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"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.” (Psalms 96:3)

Today we would like to introduce a new believer who heard the Gospel through our online ministry.

Brother Ray’s Story

We have known Ray for many years, almost from the beginning of our online ministry. By God’s grace his faith in Christ is real and he witnesses fearlessly about Christ in places where most people do not dare to go.

Ray is from Los Angeles, USA. His father was a miserable alcoholic and abused his children both verbally and physically. At the age of three Ray already knew hundreds of curse words, all directed at him, and through the years he started to hate himself more and more. As a teenager he escaped from these feelings by joining a gang and making other people's lives miserable. He became an alcoholic and drug addict himself, lived a life of crime and was continually in and out of prison.

When he received a gospel message from us, he was already in his 40s. He had heard about Jesus and even went to church sometimes, but his heart was still filled with pain and hate. We invited him to our weekly prayer meetings online and he became a regular attendant. Week after week, month after month, he kept coming and hearing how Jesus truly loves and forgives, no matter how deeply we have sinned. One day he broke down and gave it all over to Jesus, all the pain, all the hate and all the crimes committed. The next meeting he was a changed man. An enormous burden was lifted from his shoulders and he was full of joy. He said that he felt like an innocent child again in his heart, and that Jesus had given him back all the years that the enemy had stolen.

Having lived for decades in shelters and halfway houses, Ray was now able to move to his own apartment. He also started helping us with the online evangelism, especially responding to those who had a similar background. Hundreds of gang members heard the gospel and dozens gave their lives to Jesus. For Ray there was nothing more beautiful than to see people surrender to Christ and receive a completely new life. He also started talking with people in his own neighborhood. Ray would approach drug dealers without fear and tell them his story. What made the biggest impression upon them was his lack of fear--even when they had a knife or a gun.

Ray knows that his life is in Gods hand and that He will call him home only when the time is right. In the meantime, you can find Ray on the streets of LA. He no longer attends our meetings, because he leads his own meetings now. But we still hear regularly from him, and he always talks about Jesus and the miracles he sees daily in the lives of people who had been given up on by everyone else.

Jesus transforms lives -- for real!

Will you pray and support for this wonderfully fruitful ministry?

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